Everyone has a story.

And while each of our stories are unique, they all contain the same fundamental elements. We're all on a journey for love, for belonging, for wholeness, and for meaning.

But most of us live as if our stories are insignificant. We have a sense that things are not the way they're supposed to be.

That's why at Calvary we're all about re[story]ng people to their place in the grand story of God. We believe that Jesus completed the journey of love, belonging, wholeness, and meaning and that he invites us to follow him into that same life.

That's why we'll structure our ministries to follow these four essential movements in Jesus' story: worship, community, formation, and mission.

This framework provides a simple way for you to connect to life at Calvary Church.


In worship, our goal is to restore loving relationships with God. Before Jesus did anything else, he spent time in loving union with the Father.

That’s why the foundational part of connecting with Calvary is our Sunday worship gathering. Here we take time out of each week to cultivate deep communion with God through the liturgy, preaching, fellowship, and the Lord’s Table. We also want to help you foster spiritual disciplines that enrich your devotional life Monday-Saturday.


Once Jesus gathered a community, he went to work on each individual. Jesus restores our inward being, freeing us from things that hold us back from experiencing wholeness.

That’s why we provide regular opportunities for personal development such as Enneagram Workshops, Marriage Conferences, and spiritual direction. We want you to be the healthiest version of yourself: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.


Jesus’ worship of the Father compelled him to form a community shaped around his worship; he called disciples to share his life with. This community made up the bulk of Jesus’ life and ministry as they learned to love one another like family.

That’s why we want to connect people to Community Groups (CGs). CGs are the front door for belonging at Calvary. At our CGs you’ll eat together, pray together, learn together, and serve together. Our prayer is that our CGs will be open spaces for spiritual friendship.


While Jesus is working to restore our souls, he’s also sending us out to restore the world as he did. Jesus calls us to love our neighbors, care for the poor, and seek the good of our city.

That’s why we invite everyone to embrace a missional mindset and habits along with joining a CG that’s mobilized for mission. We believe everyone is sent and gifted to make disciples and that they should join a community of missionaries that encourage each other in their mission.

Our Beliefs.png

We believe that good theology should lead us to love God and other people.

We are committed to a broad, rich orthodoxy that seeks to learn from various Christian traditions.

However, we are members of the Harbor Network, which you can read about here.

We are also denominationally Baptist, and you can find our doctrinal distinctives here.