God wants to restore your soul to wholeness.

Wholeness: living out of my true self in Christ.

All of us have ways in which we distort the true person that God has created us to be. Whether that be addictions, mental health struggles, relational roadblocks, pride, or religiosity; all of us have significant personal issues to overcome. We are striving to be a church where everyone can be honest about how screwed up they are and how much help they need. And we want to help find ways for you to be transformed by the love of Christ into the person you were meant to be.


Spiritual Direction/ Pastoral Counseling

Our pastors and lay leaders are always available to hear your story and provide direction towards the heart of Christ. Whether you’re struggling spiritually or relationally, we want to help.


Marriage Conference

Every February we offer a marriage conference led by leaders-in-the-field Rich & Sallie Plass (author of The Relational Soul).


Enneagram Intensives

The Enneagram is an invaluable tool for knowing self and knowing others. Our intensives provide a crash-course in understanding this tool and gaining insights on how you might be interacting with the world, with others, and with God.

Here are some resources we love.

  • The Relational Soul by Rich Plass

  • The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner

  • Wholeheartedness by Chuck DeGroat

  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero

  • Boundaries for Your Soul by Alison Cook, PhD